Photos from U2charist in Mexico City

Welcome to Our U2charist Service Schedule

If you would like to add the U2charist to this schedule, please e-mail Paige Blair She also can provide you with help in getting your service set up. If you would like to tell us about an event that you sponsored, please click on the comment sections below. Thanks

U2charist - Christ Church, Mexico City

U2charist Service Calendar

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thank you so much for your interest in the U2 Service or U2charist.

From the Rev. Paige Blair...

We have been blessed in a number of surprising ways by the U2 Eucharists, or U2charists, we have hosted at St. George's and that we have "brought" to other congregations. The interest and feedback we have received from all over this country, and around the world (!) has been astounding.

We hope to use our experience to produce something that will support others in this ministry, and that will also benefit Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation's ministry of raising awareness about extreme poverty and Global AIDS. We want others to be able to host a similar service, as soon as they feel called, so we are not waiting until this is flawless and published to share this information. But we do ask that in the meantime, those we share it with honor our request for offerings to go to Millennium Development Goal related non-profits such as ERD, that ERD, Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation and the ONE Campaign be part of your event, and that if you share this with another community wanting to host a U2 Eucharist you put them in touch with us so that we can incorporate their experiences in the book-to-be, and that you make the same request regarding the MDG's &etc...

Similarly, we would love your feedback on what worked, what did not, what was helpful, what was astonishing and surprising about your experience of what God can do through U2 in liturgy.

A key ingredient of any successful U2charist is "to allow the Holy Spirit to move among us" To provide that enviroment for your participants it is important that you have your event well planned out so they may concentrate on the words...the music...and the atmosphere around them. We encourage you to go the the link below on how to hold a U2charist as well as contact the folks at St. George's in planning your u2charist event.

For further information about how to celebrate an U2charist in your parish or group, click here . There you will find resources and suggestions for you to use.

If you have any other questions, please feel to e-mail me:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.